Sunday, July 20, 2014

Big Fish

This fish almost pulled me into the lake!  My Daddy grabbed onto me.  It took awhile to reel in. It is the biggest fish I have ever caught.

The Crawdad Holes

I caught this crawdad about a year ago at Shelby Bottoms Park.  There is a field with holes in it and in the holes there is water and crawdads live in them.  I stuck my hand in all those holes and didn't feel any crawdads...then I stuck my hand in this hole...

Saturday, July 19, 2014

I caught a Leech!

This leech looks like a leaf.  It has beautiful designs on it.  I caught this leech under a rock. It has a sucker pad and a mouth that can suck your blood!  Check out my video of it!


Monday, June 16, 2014

Fun time in woods with friends

Me and my friend went into the woods. (in my backyard) We did lots of stuff. We used a seine to catch lots of minnows. They had orange bellies. We keped them in a circle dam. THEY GOT OUT! I caught a hudge crawdad. I through something up the air and it landed on a big frog and the frog jumped about eight feet over my head and made a weird noise. it scared me to death! The frog was 1 foot long. We had a great time!knnju

Showing You How to Survive in the Woods